Sonic 2
Hacking Guide
Genecyst Savestate - Advanced Configurations
Advanced configurations includes things that don't nessisarily benifit the player in general, but change other things instead.
011A78 (F600) - Screen mode
00 - Sega logo
04 - Intro
08 - Sega logo (slow fade)
0C - Game
10 - Special stage
14 - Continue
18 - 2P results
1C - 2P level select
20 - Ending sequence
24 - Options
28 - Level select
88 - Restart level in timed mode (used for demos)
8C - Restart level (used when killed)
011A7C (F604) - Buttons pressed
011A7D (F605) - Buttons pressed
011A7E (F606) - Buttons pressed
011A7F (F607) - Buttons pressed
For keys pressed, you simply need to know the Motorolla key format:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | (this is a byte represented in bits) |
S | A | C | B | U | D | L | R | (these are the bits translated to show what each key is) |
With a 1, that means the button is being used (on) and with a 0, the button isn't being used.
011A8C (F614) - Screen mode
change timer
011AC0 (F648) - Water pre-set
height (16-bit)
011AC2 (F64A) - Water master
height (16-bit)
01245B (FFE3) - Sound #1 to play
(sound test selection + 80h)
01245C (FFE4) - Sound #2 to play
(sound test selection + 80h)
012468 (FFF0) - Demo mode (01 to